What is an
SREC, and how will I benefit from them?
SREC is an
acronym for Solar Renewable Energy Credit.
Each time
your solar array produces 1MW (1,000 kWh) of electricity, you
will earn one SREC.

You can then sell
your SREC to a load serving entity (utility company) to either meet a
state mandated Renewable Portfolio Standard or voluntary obligation.
SRECs are currently(4/2010) selling for around $300
each in PA.
Please understand,
you are not selling the power produced rather the renewable "attributes"
representing the positive environmental attributes associated with the
MWh of renewable power delivered to the grid.
For a more detailed
explanation, visit Clean Power Markets website for their explanation
How can Control Alt
Energy, LLC help in regards to SRECs?
Control Alt Energy, LLC is
registered aggregator of SRECs offering a turnkey solution handling
everything to assist you in the process of certifying your facility to selling
your credits. We do everything for you in exchange for a small
administrative fee.
If you installed a solar
array and are not currently taking advantage of the SREC market, contact us
today to learn more about our offering.
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